Protein Spotlight: Organic Turkey

JULY 2021

Tags - Dogs, Food, Organic Turkey, Pets

At Shine Pet Food: Our turkeys are all organic, free range, and raised without antibiotics or added hormones. 

 The Benefits:  Turkey is a lean high-quality protein and a good source of B vitamins. 

When it comes to the nutritional differences between conventional versus organic, pasture-raised birds, there’s not much research focused specifically on turkey. But studies on pasture-raised chickens show they have 21% less overall fat and 50% more vitamin A than factory-farmed meat. And Australian scientists recently reviewed 35 studies that suggest an organic diet in humans may help reduce infertility, birth defects, allergic sensitization, otitis media, metabolic syndrome, high BMI, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

In Traditional Chinese medicine: Turkey is considered a cooling to neutral food and free range birds definitely lean toward cooling.